大數字與購物 Huguage Numbers and Buying Daily necessaries
2020/8/5 09:30-12:20
瞭解更多資訊 校園公告 Bulletins in Campus
2020/8/10 13:40~16:30
瞭解更多資訊 打電話問房Booking a Hotel Rooms by a phone
2020/8/12 13:40~16:30
瞭解更多資訊 拼音、自我介紹、打字 Pinyin、Self introduction、Chinese typing
2020/8/4 9:30-12:20
瞭解更多資訊 數字、日期和時間、個人資料 Numbers, Time, Personal Profile
2020/8/5 13:40~16: 30
瞭解更多資訊 旅遊(旅遊計畫) Travelling: planning
2020/8/7 9:30-12:20
瞭解更多資訊 著名景點 Tourist attractions
2020/8/17 9:30-12:20
瞭解更多資訊 考試與成績 Campus Mandarin: test and score
2020/8/18 9:30-12:20
瞭解更多資訊 意外事件與退稅 Travelling: Unexpected problems and tax refund
2020/8/19 9:30-12:20
瞭解更多資訊 愛好與頻率詞 Hobbies and Frequency
2020/8/6 9:30~12:20
瞭解更多資訊 新生報到(常見文件資料名詞與問句) Registration for international students
2020/8/6 13:40~16:30
瞭解更多資訊 方向與問路 Asking for directions
2020/8/11 9:30~12:20
瞭解更多資訊 生病與求救 Sickness and asking for help
2020/8/13 9:30~12:20
瞭解更多資訊 保持聯絡 Keep in touch.
2020/08/20 9:30~12:20
瞭解更多資訊 那個地方怎麼去 ?How can I get to that place?
2020/8/13 13:40~16:30